SimonSays: A stretch reminder program to cure those stiff necks

I finished the first Java version of a program recently which reminds programmers and other continuous computer users to stop and stretch. Versions are available for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. It is the Java reincarnation of a commercial program I wrote years ago and sold quite a few copies of.
It took me three years of part-time effort to complete the new Java version. It was started on JDK 1.1 and finished on JDK 1.4.2. Over that time Java has matured enormously, and made it a lot easier to create a smooth desktop application. Simon has been developed primarily on Mac OS X and Linux. Mac OS X has also matured as a Java platform and I finished the application on IntelliJ.
If you supervise people there is a problem getting them to stretch regularly. On our project we now have four people who have their own chairs and regularly see physiotherapists. Yet a better approach is to develop healthy habits. These include posture, particularly seating position, and regular stretching.
Simon Says pops up at predetermined time intervals. Simon, our cartoon character then guides you through an animated series of stretching exercises . It logs your exercises, so when you get that stiff neck you can go back and check whether you have been streching, or not. When the exercise program is completed it sleeps for a set time after which it will pop up again with another program to run.
There are more than 100 exercises which exercise most parts of the body organised into programs. For example, stretches can be selected for cervical spine, arms and wrists, thoracic spine, lumbar spine etc.