ehcache usage statistics

Since ehcache-1.2 was released a few days ago, there have been plenty of people taking a peek at it. It is sort of fun to look at the web traffic and downloads of ehcache since the project inception in 2003. The first jump happened in December 2004 with the release of ehcache-1.1. There was steady… Continue reading ehcache usage statistics

ehcache-1.2 released – distributed caching, listeners and more

After 10 months of development, ehcache-1.2 has been released. Thanks to all the developers who contributed to the release through feature requests, bug reports and patches during the beta program. The 1.2 release of ehcache has many new features including: Flexible, extensible, high performance distributed caching. The default implementation supports cache discovery via multicast or… Continue reading ehcache-1.2 released – distributed caching, listeners and more

The Place to Be

For a couple of weeks now I have been an ex-ThoughtWorker rather than a ThoughtWorker. It turns out there are a few of us, and Adwale Oshineye has thoughtfully created an alumni aggregator at Being a consultant can require a big travel commitment, so for a lot of people consulting has a limited lifespan.… Continue reading The Place to Be