IntelliJ 8 milestone 1 rocks!

IntelliJ 8 milestone 1, a.k.a. Diana rocks! For the non-IntelliJ users of this world, 8m1 was released in the last week. IntelliJ 7 annoyed me. It was slow and bloated. Some stuff was added in without enough thought. The facets feature, which I was unable to turn off irritated me so much I logged a… Continue reading IntelliJ 8 milestone 1 rocks!

Categorized as Java

Customer Snapshot: are using quite a lot of open source software from Sun. This has been written up in a new Customer Snapshot.

RESTful, resource-oriented caching now available in ehcache-server

I have just released ehcache-server-0.3, which includes a fully functional RESTful, resource-oriented implementation. The standalone-server has also been updated to 0.3. Cache API CacheManager Resource Operations OPTIONS / Lists the methods supported by the CacheManager resource GET / Lists the Caches in the CacheManager. Cache Resource Operations OPTIONS /{cache}/ Lists the methods supported by the… Continue reading RESTful, resource-oriented caching now available in ehcache-server

Categorized as Java

Spnego 1.1 (Kerberos between browsers and Java App servers) released

Spnego is an SPNEGO and Kerberos plugin for Glassfish. SPNEGO stands for Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism. SPNEGO is a standard GSSAPI pseudo-mechanism for peers to determine which GSSAPI mechanisms are shared, select one and then establish a security context with it. Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol, which allows individuals communicating over… Continue reading Spnego 1.1 (Kerberos between browsers and Java App servers) released

Categorized as Java