ehcache-1.2.4 released

Ehcache-1.2.4 has been released. It contains four feature and fifteen bug fixes received in the three months since ehcache-1.2.3 was released. See the changelog for details. Eight of the changes in this release are scalability improvements contributed by users running very large ehcache deployments. The distributed caching changes stem from a user who is using… Continue reading ehcache-1.2.4 released

Categorized as Java

SEDA, NIO and Grizzly/Glassfish

SEDA, or staged event driven architecture was all the rage about four years ago. ( Java 1.4 added the NIO, or “new IO” package inspired by it. The logical next step was a Java web server using the approach. I spent some time last week tuning our Glassfish application server for production. The default is… Continue reading SEDA, NIO and Grizzly/Glassfish

Categorized as Java