ehcache-1.2 beta 5 released

Today I released ehcache-1.2 beta 5. Quite a few people have been playing with the new features. I think the whole listener area has been very well road tested now. Ditto with the DiskStore performance redesign. I am also very happy that people are playing with the distributed cache stuff. Fixed a couple of bugs… Continue reading ehcache-1.2 beta 5 released

Categorized as Java

Comparative Cache Performance Numbers

Some guys have created a java cache test tool called cache4j_perfomance_tester. The results for ehcache-1.1 and ehcache-1.2 follow. According to their test methodology both versions of ehcache are the fastest for all three scenarios. Compared with oscache, ehcache was 4 times faster for two of the scenarios and twice as fast for one. I find… Continue reading Comparative Cache Performance Numbers

Categorized as Java