Ehcache Server in the Cloud

I am seriously impressed with Amazon’s cloud offering. You get a pick list of virtual machines of different sizes, a CDN, monitoring with elastic forking of new instances, fixed IPs if required, S3, attachable storage and the ability to release software as .amis for easy deployment, map-reduce with Hadoop, load balancing and a payment service.… Continue reading Ehcache Server in the Cloud

The Limitations of Google App Engine

I have a very simple test application up on Google App Engine. See 80MB heap limit Go to Each time you hit is exactly 10MB gets added to Ehcache in-process cache. This is an intentiontal memory leak designed to find out how much you stick in the heap. The answer is around 80MB.… Continue reading The Limitations of Google App Engine

Categorized as Java

Ehcache 1.6.0 is now compatible with Google App Engine

The forthcoming Ehcache 1.6.0 is compatible and works with Google App Engine. You can get it now from ehcache snapshots. Google App Engine provides a constrained runtime which restricts networking, threading and file system access. All features of Ehcache can be used except for the DiskStore and replication. Having said that, there are workarounds for… Continue reading Ehcache 1.6.0 is now compatible with Google App Engine

Categorized as Java

Scala example for accessing Ehcache Server

A few months ago I was chatting to Brad Clow about the new Ehcache Server. I asked him for an example with Scala. Anyway he just got back to me with what is the smallest program yet for accessing RESTful Ehcache Server. In a file named ExampleScalaGet.scala: import import object ExampleScalaGet extends Application… Continue reading Scala example for accessing Ehcache Server

REST all and collection resource conventions

Users of ehcache server have been discussing extending the basic CRUD operations of REST with some more advanced methods, such as deleting all elements in a cache with one DELETE operation. You are most welcome to join what has become an informative forum thread here: So far we have posts from myself, Jim Webber,… Continue reading REST all and collection resource conventions

Categorized as Java

mvn glassfish:run

In April Dave Whitla created a project for a Maven Glassfish Plugin. Kohsuke Kowaguchi joined the project and copied his code in and released it. His focus was V3 Embedded. It supported one goal: run. There was disagreement as to the features and the code to use. Dave’s plugin was to support a wide range… Continue reading mvn glassfish:run

Categorized as Java


Me:decoded I recently had my DNA tested by  My wife thought I was crazy. The idea was to find out what diseases I was more or less susceptible to, and then use that information, along with more conventional tests, and consultation with my doctor, to create a personalised medicine preventative plan for myself. Think of… Continue reading Me:decoded