In April Dave Whitla created a project for a Maven Glassfish Plugin.
Kohsuke Kowaguchi joined the project and copied his code in and released it. His focus was V3 Embedded. It supported one goal: run. There was disagreement as to the features and the code to use. Dave’s plugin was to support a wide range of goals supporting integration of V2 and above into the build process. Now to use the convenience name you normally add a pluginGroup:mvn glassfish:run [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'glassfish'. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Required goal not found: glassfish:run in org.glassfish.maven.plugin:maven-glassfish-plugin:2.1 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Until or unless Dave’s add a run goal, you can work around it by avoiding Maven’s convenience naming conventions and fully qualifying Kohsuke’s.
mvn org.glassfish:maven-glassfish-plugin:run
It would be nice for one of Kohsuke, Dave or Byron to sort this out.
My suggestion is for Kohsuke to rename his to maven-glassfish-embedded-plugin.