There are a couple of small problems with debugging. Until these are fixed by JetBrains it is worth pointing them out:
Remove this from IntelliJ-IDEA-4.5.3/bin. It is a 32 bit binary and needs to be replaced with a 64 bit one. Removing it causes no loss in functionality.
Add to the following line in idea.lax: -Xmx256m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Didea.system.path="~/.IntelliJIdea/system" -Didea.config.path="~/.IntelliJIdea/config" -Didea.popup.weight=heavyThats it. Everything then works perfectly.
I tried your instructions on both 4.5.3 and EAP 3117. (I installed the unix tar balls — the linux installers gave me errors)
Regardless, I get an error stating that Idea requires jdk 1.4.2_04
Is there anything special I need to do to get around this?
A colleague uses Debian with everything custom. He could not get the standard IntelliJ Linux installers to work.
He uses the Unix tar balls. IntelliJ requires 1.4.2 and will refuse to work with 1.5.0. Sun does not have a JDK1.4.2 for AMD64. However Blackdown does. See
I also have used the Unix tarball plus Balckdown 1.4.2 until jetbrains got back to me with the fix I posted above. My colleague has used it for the past three weeks with no problems whatsoever.
Thanks for posting your findings with this, Greg!
Here’s some additional info. My setup is a Fedora Core 3 on AMD64 with IDEA Irida EAP 3193 and JDK 1.5. Getting it working on this environment required deleting BOTH shared libraries as well as NOT adding the ‘’ to the JVM_ARGS.
hope it helps someone.