OSCON2006: Capistrano

A month or so ago we talked about how to script deployments. We do Java, Ruby and Python deployments. We sort of had some ideas but came up blank. Capistrano, a ruby app, uses ssh and relies on posix commands, so it will work on pretty much anything other than windows. I went to the… Continue reading OSCON2006: Capistrano

Categorized as Software

Rolling your own Google Maps

I attended a session here at OSCON on Rolling Your Own Google Maps. It is rolling your own Google maps without Google. The session also covered Google Maps. My own beginner effort, showing where I live, is here.

Categorized as Software

The title of this

The title of this document is “Writely is now stuffed”. But my blog is not entitled that. Also, following should be an image. But it is broken. Why? Because writely’s img src is missing “http://writely.com”. So, in the last three months since Google bought Writely, it no longer works properly and is closed for new… Continue reading The title of this

Categorized as Software