How JSR107 Caching Annotations are meant to be used

I am getting a few questions lately on JSR107 caching annotations and whether implementations of JSR107 are providing them.
Caching annotations can be added to your Java classes and will invoke caching operations as the method. For example below is an annotated BlogManager.
[java]@CacheDefaults(cacheName = “blgMngr”)
public class BlogManagerImpl implements BlogManager {private static Map<String, Blog> map = new HashMap<String, Blog>();@CacheResult
public Blog getEntryCached(String title) {
return map.get(title);

public Blog getEntryRaw(String title) {
return map.get(title);

* @see manager.BlogManager#clearEntryFromCache(java.lang.String)
public void clearEntryFromCache(String title) {

public void clearEntry(String title) {
map.put(title, null);

public void clearCache() {

public void createEntry(Blog blog) {
map.put(blog.getTitle(), blog);

public Blog getEntryCached(String randomArg, @CacheKey String title,
String randomArg2) {
return map.get(title);


Caching annotations, though defined in JSR107, are not meant to be provided by a CachingProvider such as Hazelcast. Instead they must be provided by the dependency injection containers: Spring, Guice, CDI (for Java EE). This will happen with EE in 8 which is a couple of years away. Spring support is coming in 4.1 and is available now for developers to play with in snapshot. See for how to use it.
While it will take time for the DIs to add support, in the JSR107 RI we have written a module for each of them. That code can be added to your existing DI Container and it will enable caching annotations processing. See

By Greg Luck

As Terracotta’s CTO, Greg (@gregrluck) is entrusted with understanding market and technology forces and the business drivers that impact Terracotta’s product innovation and customer success. He helps shape company and technology strategy and designs many of the features in Terracotta’s products. Greg came to Terracotta on the acquisition of the popular caching project Ehcache which he founded in 2003. Prior to joining Terracotta, Greg served as Chief Architect at Australian online travel giant He also served as a lead consultant for ThoughtWorks on accounts in the United States and Australia, was CIO at Virgin Blue, Tempo Services, Stamford Hotels and Resorts and Australian Resorts and spent seven years as a Chartered Accountant in KPMG’s small business and insolvency divisions. He is a regular speaker at conferences and contributor of articles to the technical press.