As you probably have heard, Terracotta has been acquired by Software AG. This is an exciting development for both companies. Ari Zilka, CTO of Terracotta has a comprehensive blog post detailing the acquisition and its implications.
For me, it means I keep working for Terracotta, but now Terracotta is a wholly owned business unit within Software AG.
Ehcache will remain available in its current two editions: open source under the Apache 2 license and commercial with value-add features. And of course it will get even more investment as part of the larger organization.
I joined Terracotta 21 months ago. It has been an amazing ride so far for me and for Ehcache. I am looking forward to the next chapter. Right now my area of focus is on standardizing Java caching by leading the specification of JSR107. Once that is done we will implement the specification in Ehcache.